Light in the Darkness

Thank you Jasper Kerkau, the rest of the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective and the other lights (Felicia, Rob, etc.) who have been shining for me this cold December.

It has already

Been a long cold winter

Of the soul

For many of us

The losses large

The future uncertain

We are often

Filled with fear, with unease

My own mood

Has given me a severe

Case of vertigo

Of whiplash

More changeable

Than the weather

Low and then lower then lower still

Anxious, irritable

Even I tire

Of the volume

Of poems

I have written

About loneliness

About isolation

About endless tears

About walking in the twilight

My mood is a suit that does

Not quite fit my body

Or fit my soul

This winter

And yet. . .

And yet. . .

There are lights in the

This darkness

Bright shining souls

Whose luminosity

May dim from time to time

But never truly falters

Lights that guide

Lights that inspire

Souls so beautiful

So ethereal

That even I cannot

Be blind to them

And I find that my weary heart

Is still capable

Of profound gratitude

For each moment

Of peace, of hope

That these lights provide

So I give thanks

For each and every one of you

Who choose to burn bright

Who are unapologetically

And fully

Your glorious

Transcendent selves

Lighting a path

Blazing a trail

And calling out to our

Lost burdened souls

That we are not alone

Thank you for being a

Beacon in the night

For always

Calling us, calling me, home

My deepest prayer

This stark December

Is that I can remember

My own inner incandescence

That I too

Can call out across

The distance and

Be a light in the darkness

Calling my brothers and sisters

In from this cold

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