Ode to a Black Eye-Introducing Christine Ray

Welcome to The Whisper and The Roar

Whisper and the Roar


Ode to a Black Eye by Christine Ray

I can’t remember now

If it was your left eye or your right

Just how puffy it was

Almost swollen shut

Black and purple

Against your pale skin

The white of your eye


From the force of the blow

I don’t remember

If we asked what

Had happened

Or if we just knew

I do remember

Being in Mrs. Merten’s

English class

People whispering

Into each other’s ears

Wondering what you had done

To deserve this black eye

Had you pushed John-John

To the limit?

Flirted with another guy?

Had you been mouthy?

They wondered

A bitch?

You could be mouthy

You could be a bitch

In the way that only a teenage

Girl can be

I hit you once myself

At a middle school dance

After you said something

Cruel and hurtful to me

Pushing a button

That only an…

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The Daily Song: Mad World (Tears for Fears) Cover by Gary Jules

I cannot think of a more appropriate song as we move into 2017 and the mad, new world we will be living in.  Let us all strive to be a light in the darkness.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4   Mad World Written by Roland Orzabal All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces … Continue reading The Daily Song: Mad World (Tears for Fears) Cover by Gary Jules