Village Magic

He contained a rough earthy magic

That made the dogs follow him through town

Like he carried T-bone steaks in his pocket

Made the trees stand up a little straighter

Showing off their finery when he walked by

Caused the village women to open shutters

Undo top buttons

Let down their hair

Sigh when he strode past their open windows


He only had eyes for her

The woman who lived on the outskirts of town

In a neat cottage full of dried herbs hanging from the ceiling

Pitchers full of lavender on her table

She contained moon magic

He could see it in her eyes

In the luminescence of her skin

Could hear the tides when his ear was close to hers

The sparks that erupted when they touched

Made the fireplace roar and the lanterns flicker

While the wolves howled their music to the starry night

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