Memory Brushes Past

Memory’s delicate tendrils

reach out

brush the nape

of my neck

cause an electric shiver

that courses

down my spine


The past



sweet and breathy

that tickle

my ear


it implores



Crisp white sheets

whiff of cedar

sound of the ocean

butterfly brush

of eyelashes


salty skin

strawberry lip gloss


so soft

they dissolved like sugar

and lemon

on my eager tongue


© 2017 Christine Elizabeth Ray – All rights Reserved

23 thoughts on “Memory Brushes Past

    1. Thank you Eric! Since my blog was chosen as a Discover blog– which is an amazing honor, don’t get me wrong, I have not had much time for writing. It was really, really good just to write some poetry last night. Like coming home to me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No nothing specific. I meant that if you could visit my site and take a look at my pieces (though not many), you could advise me, help me improve, tell me where I have gone wrong and how I should proceed.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Shelling– your site is visually stunning! Really, really effective. I also love the theme of your blog. Do you mean that in the Buddhist sense or more in the colloquial impermanence/ephemeral way? I mean no disrespect in asking, but is English a second language for you? You imagery is beautiful but some of your phrasing is unusual. I certainly am intrigued enough to follow you

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thanks.

            As for your questions, I talked about the colloquial part. And yes it is my second language.

            By saying that my phrasing is unusual, do you mean I should improve them or does the unusual phrasing help to capture one’s attention?

            Anyway I thank you again for the compliments.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I was very, very tired when I checked out your blog last night. I would need to give that some thought. It certainly caught my attention, but whether it was interesting or distracting is not something I could decide last night. My thought is that you must be astonishing in your native language. I did find the whole”hey guys” thing off putting. My guess is you were going for warm and friendly but it is incongruous with the tone and beauty of your site.

            Liked by 1 person

  1. A lovely sensual read ~ Hi Christine, I am with D’verse Poets pub – Sorry that you were unable to link up a poem ~

    There is a Mr. Linky at the end of the post, and poets click on it, write their name and link up the poem’s direct link. The Mr. Linky’s time has already closed, but next time, feel free to comment as your email address has already been approved.

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