You Were Meant to Know the Night Writing Prompt Challenge: Cherylene Nicholas

I can feel the warmth of the sun

Going for a run all over my body

Its brilliant light can be seen from left and right

Pushing all the darkness out of sight

I can feel the sun and with it comes the promise of never-ending fun

But this is an illusion

As the daylight soon passes

It’s the night’s turn to give his classes

For those of us who prefer the sun

The night signals an end to the fun

For its now time to rest and this goes for even the best

Sulking as we each retreat for the night

Back to our homes we return like drones

To our mother’s warm embrace

Insisting that we wash our faces

We must admit we enjoyed those races 🙂

Our stomachs full

It’s time for bed

As mother gently kisses our foreheads

She whispers, “You were meant to know the night.

For although you could play all day,

The night is just a gentle way

Of saying leave some fun for another day.

Sweet dreams.”

Cherylene Nicholas is a School Administrator and Teacher.  She created her very first blog where she writes poetry, health and wellness segments and enlightens her readers on other various topics.  She is focused on self-development and self-improvement and is not afraid of sharing some of the life lessons she has learnt along the way.  She is not afraid to try something new and keeps learning more and more about her talents every day.

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