Poetry in Motion

Your palms remember

warm silk of my skin

when they travel the contours of

my curves and edges

Your lips remember

my coffee scented kiss

softness into fierceness

yielding into claiming

Your fingers remember

shape of my hip

what it is to cradle my head

when you draw me ever closer

in the poetry we write

together in tangled sheets


© 2017 Christine Elizabeth Ray – All Rights Reserved

13 thoughts on “Poetry in Motion

  1. i love the way you write intimacy…you capture the tactile, sensuous nature of physical contact between people so perfectly…it becomes more than just the moment of touching, but the ingrained memory afterwards.


    1. I am so glad that I was able to convey that! I often think that it is so much easier to write the passion of young lovers than the intimacy of long-time partners. But is something that you remember in your skin, in the palms of your hands. . .


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