I Ain’t No Damsel

you have mistaken me
for a damsel in distress
waiting for the handsome prince
to come rescue me
slay the dragon
you seem to be under the mistaken impression
that I have no backbone
that previous violations of my boundaries
as a girl child
has left me spineless
you appear to be implying
that I am looking
for the right man to come and save me
from my darkness
lead me lovingly into the light
into normalcy
away from the broken thing
you seem to feel I am
you seem to believe that when I write
about my sexuality
that this actually has something to do with you

let me set the record straight
I am the fucking dragon
I saved myself long ago
I have a steel reinforced spine
a barbed tongue that roars truth
I have learned to love my darkness
I have learned to love my light
I have no desire to hear what inappropriate
unwelcome things
you would like to do to my body
last time I checked you are not my lover
my words are not an engraved invitation
into my bed
or the inside of my head
my pen is a flaming sword
and I am not afraid of fire

© 2017 Revised 2018 Christine Elizabeth Ray – All Rights Reserved

9 thoughts on “I Ain’t No Damsel

  1. I’m covered head to toe in chills from this. Thank you, I needed a shot of vigor today, feeling so damn overwhelmed feeling as though I am invisible…screaming my head off but no one hears. This is just what I needed to see thank you, warrior soul.


      1. Hahaha trust me girl, this lioness is roaring from the top down. A week ago today I finally told my whole story, beginning to end. My selfies get likes and whatever, write a story about rape and all the fun stuff? Get accused of trolling for likes. But, I’m laughing, since I’m free. It’s poetry like yours that keeps my spine straight and my fingers typing. Thank you, chica.


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