With Clenched Fists, I Rage – A Collaborative Poem

Deeply honored to have my collaboration with stellar poets John W. Leys, Deveraux Frazier, Aurora Phoenix, Megha Sood, Stephen F. Fuller, and Candice Louisa Daquin published on Heretics, Lovers, and Madmen.

Heretics, Lovers, and Madmen

I chew on my rage
breaking teeth
on its rock candy
hard edges
I resist
base reflex
to swallow these
jagged shards whole
spitting blood
and shrapnel
the unrelenting soil
of injustice

Christine E. Ray

My fist clenches unconsciously,
Noticing only when my knuckles pop.
They say peace and love
Will win the day,
While I’m possessed
By the spirit of Elijah,
Raining down fire,
Divine justice, and rage,
Filled with the desire
To bludgeon bigotry
With a baseball bat.

John W. Leys

Wretched causeway
Flotsam upon my eye
I stare into the mist in wonder
Will the serpent ever arise
Show me your face, foul beast
You tinker and toy with mortal men
Spewing hatred and obscenities with forked tongues
Crucifying anyone who stands firm against them
Justice beckons their immortal fear
Wielding the rocks, I guide my hands
Betwixt the evil and the cowardly

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