Are we a modern reflection of the moon?
Just a spoilt man with a silver spoon
Torn, tarnished, and running out of room
Where even the green witches have lost their brooms

A lonely planet of rocky dunes with a sun-burnt crust
Dark craters for oceans and rivers of dust
No vegetation to feed on, nor furry animals to kill
Only smelly whale bones and rotting pelican bills

Madly we think there is another new world
Just jet away to, and breed more crazy boys and girls
Our mad scientists know, humans have shamed mother earth
And we are entirely to blame for defiling her worth

Ivor was formerly an Industrial Chemist, then a Plumber, and has been writing poetry for 19 years, having numerous poems published in on-line magazines, and his works appear in Anthologies by, Vita Brevis, Fae Corps Inc, and Red Wolf Journal. He’s an active member of Geelong Writers Inc, and his poems appear in their annual anthologies, and he is also a Barista/team member with the ‘Go Dog Go Cafe’ blog/magazine. You can read more of his writing at Ivor.Plumber/Poet

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