Requiem for Wonder Woman

reached for basic black today
red, blue and gold hang untouched
in the closet
lasso of truth forlorn
in the corner
too heavy for these tired arms
outlines of a plane
just visible in the driveway
covered in fine layer of dust
the world feels
like it is moving on
without me
a blur of color, smells, sound
that overwhelmed senses
cannot process
I rest my head
against my fists
allow a moment of mourning
for shattered illusion
of invincibility
spine of steel
requiem for a wonder woman
forced to accept that
she is only human
after all

© 2017 Revised 2021 Christine Elizabeth Ray – All Rights Reserved

5 thoughts on “Requiem for Wonder Woman

      1. I have chosen to make my chronic illness a friend instead of my enemy. and that thought stood me true for several years, then I got older and it all took over most thoughts I have. Aging is, well terrible, a doable but not feeling positive about doing it. The illnesses that come to the body are life draining at times. I am thankful I did not suffer with chronic pain when young. Hard to see young children suffer. Suffering is better suited for the elderly or so it seems.


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