No Doves live Here – Annette Kalandros

No doves live here.
Only a sparrow stirs its wings,
bristling against the chill
of this grey misty
morning of rainy cares.
No peace found anywhere
on this forsaken earth
as it burns,
enraptured with hate,
Burning everywhere---
in columned towers
of black tinged
golden flames.

Image courtesy of Pexels

Annette Kalandros, a retired teacher, living in New Mexico, is honored to have work featured in the following collections: As the World Burns: Writers and Artists Reflect on a World Gone Mad. Through The Looking Glass: Reflecting on Madness and Chaos Within. The Pinecone Review: Be Proud with Pride Edition and Survival Edition. Women Speak: The Women of Appalachia Project. SETU International Magazine and Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women. Hidden in Childhood: A Poetry Anthology. My debut collection is The Gift of Mercy.

You can read more of her write at Hearing the Mermaids Sing

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