When God Was a Woman II – BOB WERTZLER

So, there it is, time was when God was a woman, but now the ruling consensus seems to be that God is, was, and shall ever be, a man. This is a very strange thing given that to be a god generally implies the attribute of immortality (although some legends and myths do have gods dying or disappearing). Could somebody be trying to tell us that God is trans-gendered? There’s an idea to give the far conservatives of several religions a bad case of cognitive dissonance. And, if She changed to He, what’s to stop the omnipotent creator of at least one universe from changing back to She? That would be a thing to pray for.

Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash

Bob Wertzler is retired from almost twenty years in the mental health field in California and Arizona. There are times the title, “Recovering Therapist”, seems to fit. In 2006 he retired to move to Western North Carolina to help and become primary care giver for his father who had developed Dementia. Before all that, there was work at various times as a soldier (US Army 1967-70), community organizer, cab driver, welfare case worker, wooden toy maker, carpenter, warehouse worker, and other things. He relates to a line in a Grateful Dead song, “What a long, strange trip its been.”

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