Made for Him/Response Poem to Niia’s Made for You

The video for Niia’s Made for You is one of the most disturbing, provocative and mesmerizing music videos I have ever seen. I could not look away even when I wanted to.  It inspired my response poem below.  TRIGGER WARNING: This is not an easy video for rape survivors, victims of childhood sexual abuse or domestic violence— but damn did it make me think and feel.

She hangs on a hook

Suspended animation

Not considered alive


Until he walks into the room

He calls her Doll

Relishes her plastic perfection

The eyes that will never cry

He caresses her once

Before brutally meeting his needs

He can unleash his beast

Without restraint or care

She is shell with no voice

She cannot protest


She longs to shower when it is over

Wash off his stink

Her bile

The others surround them


Trapped in horrified silence

Throats without voice boxes

Limbs limp

Eyes that cannot turn away

They wait for the next man

To size them up

And decide which one of them

Is made for him


© 2017 Christine Elizabeth Ray – All rights Reserved


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