Promote Yourself Monday, March 9, 2020 and Round UP, March 2, 2020

It’s Promote Yourself Monday at the Go Dog Go Cafe. Stop by, drop a link to a piece you have written, and get introduced to some great writers!

Go Dog Go Café

Promote yourself Mon

Welcome to Promote Yourself Monday.  All Go Dog Go Cafe community members are invited to post one link to one specific piece of their writing (600 words or less please!) they have published on their blog, Facebook page, or Instagram feed into the comments section below. If you post a link, be sure to read some of the other great writing people have linked to.

Many apologies for the confusion last week, I crossed my wires forgetting there was a previously scheduled post and created a new one. But that didn’t stop us from having another great week. Between the two posts we had over 60 likes and 180 comments and an amazing !39! shares. In the confusion did cause me to miss a whole bunch of writers, my humblest apologies as I do try to get to every post over the course of the day. So if I…

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