A Sliver of Silver – Nicole Lyons

Nicole Lyons making me drunk on moonlight.

Sudden Denouement Collective

I always made sure
our house was clean
even though we never were.
And I always made sure
the moon had a sliver to peer into,
a little slat between the pavement
and my pillow where she would feel
welcomed to lay her silver smile
upon our sleepless nights
and find us charmed enough
to dim her light when the sun came
to taunt us in the morning.
I am cleaner now,
than any porcelain corner
I spewed myself into,
but I still get high
off her manic energy when she tells me
she is happy to share,
because something is in the air
right now, in the full silver moon,
and I drink it all down as if it was my own.

Nicole Lyons is a writer/editor for Sudden Denouement and the creator of The Lithium Chronicles.

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