Accepting Guest Submissions Until 07/15/17-Cool Guest Submission Opportunity from The Ink Owl

The Ink Owl

The deadline is fast approaching! You have 3 days to get your guest submission in to be featured on The Ink Owl!

Open to anyone and everyone who follows my blog or whoever comes across this randomly.

I would like submissions to contain an essence of fantasy as well as reflectthis prompt:

“Into the deep I plunge.”

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions can be short stories, poetry, journal entries, or thoughts. Short stories, journal entries, and thoughts must be between 300 and 1700 words. Poem should have no more than 600 words. Submissions can be previously posted or written, you don’t have to write whole new pieces if you don’t want to.

**As a courtesy to my younger or more sensitive readers, please do not use graphic language or excessive profanity.**

  • Each post will feature a short blurb about you and will contain a link to your site. Please indicate…

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Brave and Reckless’Advice for New WordPress Bloggers– Part 2

I wanted to address some additional blogging issues that I have encountered. Reblogging Other Writers Work: Having your work reblogged-as long as you are properly cited- is considered one of the highest compliments in the blogging world.  To reblog or not to reblog another writer's work can be a hard decision to make when you … Continue reading Brave and Reckless’Advice for New WordPress Bloggers– Part 2